Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ description.

How do I register for an account?

  • On the main NEPA Certification Homepage select Login form the top right or center of the scree. You be shown a logon page, select Need to register? and add your email and password.

    You'll need to verify your account information. Make sure to check you junk folder for an email to verify.

Where can I go to get more information about the NEPA organization?

  • Nevada Emergency Prepardness Association (NEPA) is a 501(c) non-profit, with the mission of improving statewide resilience through cooperative, multi-stakeholder processes and the professional development of emergency preparedness practitioners. You can find out more about NEPA at

What is NVEM and NVEM-A?

  • Nevada Emergency Manager (NVEM) and Nevada Emergency Manager - Associate (NVEM-A) are Nevada emergency management certifications. Find out more at our About page.

Can I submit a paper application?

  • NEPA does not access paper applications for Nevada Emergency Manager (NVEM) and Nevada Emergency Manager - Associate (NVEM-A) .

How do I delete all my data?

  • Nevada Emergency Manager (NVEM) and Nevada Emergency Manager - Associate (NVEM-A) are Nevada emergency management certifications. Find out more at our About page.

Who can I contact if I have problems?